My Philosophy

I tell every patient "The Best Spine Surgery is No Spine Surgery!" When spine surgery becomes necessary, in cases where a patient has tried all other options or where they are facing loss of function, I always try to tailor surgery to fit their needs while only doing what is necessary. 

There is no such thing as prophylactic surgery. Surgery should be done to address a specific problem. Before we plan a surgery, we need all of the information to understand what is causing a patient's pain or dysfunction. I find that developing a full understanding of the condition often requires us to get a number of tests, including x-rays, CT scans and MRIs among others to help us in planning the surgery.

Ultimately, my goal is to address your goals, whether they are to return to work, reduce your pain, or improve your overall function. Every plan is tailored to address those needs first and foremost.

A multidisciplinary team is essential. Spine problems are multifactorial and can often be addressed in a number of ways - not just surgery. I involve specialists from physiatry, interventional pain management, physical therapy, occupational therapy, psychology and others to explore every option that may be available to every patient.


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