Spinal Deformity Surgery

Spinal Deformity Surgery in Milford, CT

Dr. Yanamadala is dual-fellowship trained in complex spine surgery with both neurosurgical and orthopaedic training for spinal deformities. Dr. Yanamadala regularly performs scoliosis surgery on patients from around the country – once conservative treatments have been proven to be unsuccessful.

Scoliosis is a serious medical condition where an individual’s spine curves or rotates abnormally. The goals of scoliosis surgery are to prevent your scoliosis from progressing and to correct the curvature as much as can be done safely. Dr. Yanamadala has published extensively on methods and techniques to improve the safety and efficacy of scoliosis surgery. Please see some of his recent surgeries below.

Adult Scoliosis Adult Scoliosis

Scoliosis was a lifelong ailment for this gentleman. He had tried everything, from physical therapy and aquatherapy to chiropractic care and acupuncture. He just could not stand up straight, and this impacted nearly every thing he did on a day to day basis. After a two day surgery, he is now walking straight for the first time in 50 years!


Scoliosis After Previous Fusion Surgery Scoliosis After Previous Fusion Surgery

This woman had progressive scoliosis after three prior lumbar spine fusions. She had developed progressive pain and disability over the past few years that became unbearable and really prevented her from doing most of her activities of daily living. The correction of this required a three staged procedure over two days, restoring her ability to function normally once again.


Selective Fusion for Adult Kyphoscoliosis Selective Fusion for Adult Kyphoscoliosis

This 47 year old was first diagnosed with scoliosis as a teenager and the pain became progressively worse over his young adult years. He had a thoracolumbar kyphoscoliosis which led to severe midback pain that limited most of his activities of daily living and prevented him from working. He had been through numerous rounds of physical therapy, epidural steroid injections and facet ablations before presenting to me. I was able to do a selective fusion T8-L4, sparing him the lower lumbar spine and preserving the motion that he had. His pain resolved and he was able to return to work after three months.

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